Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant

Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant

Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant from air
Location of Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant
Country Finland
Location Loviisa
Status Operational
Construction began May 1, 1971 (May 1, 1971)
Commission date May 9, 1977 (May 9, 1977)
Owner(s) Fortum Power and Heat OY
Reactor information
Reactors operational 2 x 488 MW PWR
Reactor supplier(s) Atomenergoexport
Power generation information
Installed capacity 1,020 MW
Annual generation 8,150 GWh
As of 31 October 2010

Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) (Finnish: Loviisan ydinvoimalaitos, Swedish: Lovisa kärnkraftverk,), is a nuclear power plant located close to the Finnish city of Loviisa. It houses two Soviet-designed VVER-440/213 PWR reactors, each with a capacity of 488 MW.

The reactors at Loviisa NPP went into commercial operation in 1977 and 1980 respectively. In order to comply with Finnish nuclear regulation, Westinghouse and Siemens supplied equipment and engineering expertise. This unorthodox mix of US and Soviet enterprise led to the project developers being given the nickname "Eastinghouse".[1][2] The plant is operated by Fortum Oyj.

The pressure vessel of Unit 1 has been successfully heat annealed in 1996 in order to clear embrittlement caused by neutron bombardment and impurities of the welding seam between the two halves of the vessel.[3]

The operating license for both units has been renewed for a 50 year lifetime, Loviisa-1 to 2027 and Loviisa-2 to 2030.[4]

A third reactor was proposed for the Loviisa site by Fortum Power and Heat Oy. The single reactor unit could produce up to 1000 MWt of district heating supply and from 800 - 1,600 MW of electrical generation. On 21 April 2010, the Finnish government declined the application by Fortum to build a new reactor at Loviisa.[5]

See also


  1. ^ "Ärger mit Eastinghouse [Trouble with Eastinghouse]" (in German). 2010-04-21. http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-14332003.html. Retrieved 2011-09-22. 
  2. ^ Michelsen, Karl Erik (2007). "Project Eastinghouse – teknologinen haaste Loviisassa [Project Eastinghouse – technological challenge in Loviisa]" (in Finnish). ATS Ydintekniikka (Suomen Atomiteknillinen Seura) (3): 14–16. ISSN 0456-0473. 
  3. ^ "[Loviisa power plant]" (in Finnish) Loviisan voimalaitos. STUK. http://www.stuk.fi/ydinturvallisuus/ydinvoimalaitokset/loviisa/fi_FI/loviisa/_print/. Retrieved 20 September 2011. 
  4. ^ Martti Antila, Tuukka Lalitinen. "Recent Core Design and Operating Experience in Loviisa NPP". Fortum Nuclear Services Ltd, Espoo, Finland (IAEA). http://www.iaea.org/inis/collection/NCLCollectionStore/_Public/39/050/39050533.pdf. Retrieved 20 September 2011. 
  5. ^ "Finnish government says Yes to TVO and Fennovoima". Nuclear Engineering International (Global Trade Media). 2010-04-21. http://www.neimagazine.com/story.asp?sectioncode=132&storyCode=2056166. Retrieved 2010-07-01.